Southern Africa
ARM Seeks to Enhance Assets
After thinking for six months about the best way to enhance its exploration portfolio which is currently being snubbed by [...]
After thinking for six months about the best way to enhance its exploration portfolio which is currently being snubbed by [...]
The boss of Australia’s Corporate and Resources Consultants, Klaus Eckhof, has pushed through a new operation, this time in the [...]
Less than two months after his appointment as new managing director of Office des Mines d’Or de Kilo Moto (OKIMO), [...]
The Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee (CBG), which is 51% owned by Halco Mining Inc and 49% by the government, [...]
A month after finalizing the acquisition of the Newlands primary diamond mine, Dwyka Diamonds put the mine’s grinding unit back [...]
The South African Department of Minerals & Energy awarded two diamond exploration concessions in late September to Ongoza Mining & [...]