Frequently Asked Questions

My Account

Opening an account gives you access to the free services on all Indigo Publications websites (Africa Intelligence, Glitz, Intelligence Online and La Lettre):
  • A selection of free articles
  • Summaries of newly released issues
  • Keyword alerts to stay up to date on the people or topics that interest you

> Create an Account

You must provide a valid email address and password to open an account. Additional information such as your name and address will also be requested when you sign up for a subscription.

We pledge to protect all personal information you share with us while using our website and to refrain from distributing it to partners or external service providers.

> Consult our Confidence Charter

It's as simple as entering your email and password in the login area at the top right hand of the page or under “Already have an account?”. Once you have logged in, your name or email address will appear in the “My account” bar at the top of the page.

If you would like to delete your account, please send a request to our customer service department

> Contact Customer Services


Under “My Kiosk” you can personalise your experience based on your areas of interest (keyword notifications, summaries and suggested reading). Subscribers can also manage their email preferences as part of their subscription (breaking news, new article notifications, daily summaries, etc.).

> My Kiosk

You will receive an email notification every time an article on your topic of interest is published on one of our websites. This service is completely free of charge.

> Create a Notification

There are four ways to set up an alert:

  • When a keyword is mentioned in an article: Select the keyword(s) that are of interest to you and click on “Set up a free notification”.
  • With a search result: After searching, click on “Set up a free notification for this search".
  • From a running story: After reading an article that is part of a running story, click on “Set up a free notification for this theme”.
  • By choosing your own: You can set your own title for alerts and specify your own keywords, country and choice of publication for notifications.

Feel free to set up several notifications depending on your interests: the more specific your criteria, the better your search results.

You can modify or delete your alerts, suspend reception of summaries, and change your suggested article options in the “My Kiosk” space in your profile.

> My Kiosk

Unsubscribing from an email does not automatically unsubscribe you from all other publications. You can manage your email services for the other publications from the “My Kiosk” space in your profile.

> My Kiosk


This option enables our system to recognise you when you navigate on our website, so that you don't have to enter your login details. You can opt for automatic login when logging in to your account.

For security reasons, we advise that you do not activate this option on a public or shared computer.

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a reset on our website.

> Forgotten Password

You can change your login details (email address and password) in your “My Account” space.

> Change My Login Details

Our content is available to subscribers. To access content, you can sign up for a yearly subscription to access all of our content and services (new issues, unlimited access to our archives, breaking news, etc.).

> Our Offers

We recommend that you try deleting your cookies and then refreshing the page (F5 or Ctrl + R). If the problem persists, please contact our technical support service.

> Contact Technical Support


We offer different subscriptions based on your company or organisation's needs, the number of potential readers in your company, and you intend to engage with our publications:
  • Professional Licence: For companies who would like between 5-50 employees to access our publications. Pricing is established on a sliding scale based on the number of readers selected.
  • Global Licence: Allows all of your employees (above 50 readers) to access our exclusive information, whether on site or from home. This tier receives a wide variety of premium advantages.
  • If you are a media outlet or university, we have tailor-made subscriptions just for you.

    > Request a Quote

  • Individual Subscription: Reserved for students, freelancers and individuals reading our publications outside of a professional context, as well as companies with fewer than 5 employees.

> View Our Subscription Offers

Prices vary based on the needs of your organisation, the number of potential readers, and how you plan to use our content.

To find out more about our rates and choose the offer that best suits your needs, please visit the ‘Our offers’ page.

> Discover our subscription options and rates

All prices and discounts available online and associated with our various subscription offers are only applicable to those individuals, organisations or companies that are not yet subscribed to a publication.
We only offer annual subscriptions.
We do not offer trial subscriptions. However, to give you a better idea of our editorial line and the content of our publications, you can create a free account to benefit from a variety of services: daily newsletter, our free-access articles and keyword alerts.

> Create an account

You can subscribe or request a quote on our website.

> Subscribe online or Request a quote

You can renew all of your subscriptions online before they expire using your "My Account" space. This option is available for six months after your subscription expires.

After this date, please contact customer services.

> Renew my Subscription

> Contact Customer Services

To make changes to your subscription plan, please contact customer services.

> Contact Customer Services

You can consult and/or print your invoices in your “My account” space.

> My Invoices

It is possible your subscription has ended or been suspended. You can check on your subscription at any time in your "My Account" space.

> View My Subscriptions

To open PDF files, you need to have a version of Adobe Reader more recent than 8. Messages reading “An error has occurred while opening this file” or “Your file is damaged” mean that you must update your version of Adobe Reader.



Subscriptions must be paid within 30 days upon receipt of your invoice. Your subscription will be temporarily suspended in the event of a late payment and will remain suspended until the invoice has been paid in full. If you are signed up for several subscriptions, failure to pay invoices on any one of these within the given period will suspend all of your subscriptions until receipt of the unpaid amount.

We accept payment in euros (EUR), American dollars (USD) and pounds sterling (GBP) with the following methods:

  • Credit card: Visa | American Express (only in EUR or USD) | Mastercard
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> Contact Customer Services

We use the secure CM-CIC P@iement payment system. It verifies the card number within the banking system and confirms card validity.
You have the option to register a bank card in order to save time with your purchases on our websites. Card details are stored within the secure CM-CIC P@iement payment system. With each purchase through this payment interface, you have the option to modify your means of payment: you can delete or add additional cards.
You can of course opt not to save your card information and enter your card number with each purchase.
Please note that we do not have access to your bank card details.

Possible abandoned cart or input errors:

  • If you left the online payment system without confirming your transaction.
  • If you entered your card number and this message appeared: "This type of card is not accepted by Indigo, please enter a new card", the card number has not been typed in correctly.
  • If you entered your card number, its expiration date and security code, the authentication of your payment was successful, and yet your payment was refused, the expiration date and/or security code is incorrect.
  • If you used an American Express card to pay in GBP, please note that we do not accept this type of card in this currency.

We ask that you consult the information above and attempt your transaction again.

Reasons related to your banking contract:

  • Your card’s weekly or monthly limit has been reached.
  • The amount of your purchase is higher than the amount authorised by your bank for online purchases.
  • Your bank card does not allow you to make purchases on a foreign website.

We suggest you contact your bank to identify and resolve the issue.

As a fraud prevention measure, some banks set up an additional security code for online purchases to confirm that the person using the card is the card holder. For more information, we suggest you contact your bank.


Africa Intelligence, Glitz, Intelligence Online and La Lettre are the exclusive property of Indigo Publications. All content is protected under French and international copyright and intellectual property law.

Subscription to an individual or multi-reader license does not transfer any intellectual property rights whatsoever to the Client (the term Client refers to any beneficiary or administrator of a Subscription or Licence).

> Consult Our General Terms and Conditions

To guarantee our independence and the quality of the information we provide, we have chosen not to accept any advertising nor to carry out any consultancy work. The viability of our sites directly depends on our capacity to finance our work from the sale of subscriptions.

> Consult Our Confidence Charter

It is strictly forbidden to download any substantial part of Indigo Publications' database.

The Africa Intelligence, Glitz, Intelligence Online and La Lettre archives are held in databases available to Subscribers within the framework of their Subscription.

However, by virtue of the article L.342-1 of French Law No. 98-536 of 1 July 1998 transposing into the French Intellectual Property Code the EC Directive 96/6 of 11 March 1996, Indigo Publications forbids the “extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer, of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content in a database to another medium, by any means or in any form whatsoever”.

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