South Africa
Producers in Ferrochrome Race
Ferrochrome producers in South Africa are scrambling to beef up their production capacity to satisfy demand from Chinese steel manufacturers
Ferrochrome producers in South Africa are scrambling to beef up their production capacity to satisfy demand from Chinese steel manufacturers
The transfer of mining assets to black interests under the ?indigenisation? bill has prompted a fight between black businessmen for [...]
A black lawyer who sits on the High Court of South Africa, Steve Phiri, was named an executive director of [...]
The chief of the influential National Union of Mineworkers, Senzeni Zokwana, was re-elected during the union's annual national congress between [...]
Despite a rise in diamond output in 2002, Botswana saw [...]
The surge in the value of South Africa's rand, which [...]
Namdeb, a joint venture between De Beers and Namibia's government, [...]
The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) is [...]
After serving for two years as financial director of SouthernEra Resources Ltd., Robert Rainy has taken up the post of [...]
Lonmin has named Michael Hartnall as an independent non-executive director on its board. Hartnall had been finance director of Rexam [...]
The annual ?ALTA Nickel/Cobalt & Copper conference for 2003 will [...]
A former deputy mines minister, Ambroise Mbaka Kawaya, has been named managing director of the Mining Cadastre by the out-going [...]
Canada's state secretary for Africa and Francophonie, Denis Paradis, headed a delegation of businessmen from the Canadian Council on Africa [...]
Algiers and Tripoli are intent on boosting their cooperation in [...]
A new mining bill was promulgated on April 30 to [...]
On May 8 Nigerian mines minister Modupe Adelaja opened the [...]
Gold Fields is boosting its investment in Ghana after recording [...]
The British junior African Eagle Resources, formerly Twigg Minerals, plans [...]